Let's talk about passion.
Think about your life for a moment in pie-chart form. The portions are divided between things you don't like to do, things you do like to do, and things you don't really mind doing. And then there is the section of your life that is spent doing something that you are passionate about. It lights you up from the inside, something you can get lost in and feel richer for. What percentage of your chart falls into this category?
Stop and think on this. Letting your passion play a larger role in your life will create a sense of self that nothing or no-one else can give you. If your 'pie-chart' number is relatively low or non-existent, now is a great time to really examine the things that make you feel whole. Once you are aware of how much or how little time you devote to your passion you can figure out ways to bring it into your life even more.
Let's use me as a quick example. I know I'm passionate about design. I also love giving advice. I get excited when I find cool, design-y things in magazines or on the internet. I'm giddy when it comes to fabric, dinnerware, pillows, you-name-it. I'm a self-proclaimed design geek! So when I sat down a year ago and had this same conversation with myself...this blog was born.
And when I had this conversation with myself (and my husband this time) a few months ago, another project came to be. We decided to open a furniture and home decor store. That's not exactly how I planned to announce it, but in the spirit of openness -and getting the point across- this is the perfect place to put it out there.
Even when life gets crazy, demands are high, money is tight, and support is hard to come by, there is always room to nurture what you love to do. So the assignment today is to look at your 'chart' and see where it falls. I imagine that most of us could use a little more spark, so my next assignment is to have that conversation with yourself about what exactly makes you glow. Once you've got it identified you can begin to work it into your life with small (or large) steps.
Enter your comments or email me at linsi.brownson@gmail.com to enter yourself into the last day of our giveaway from living rooms direct for a chance to win this awesome, design-y pillow from allmodern.com
Every day you've commented or emailed to let me know you're participating becomes one entry into the drawing. As a bonus (thanks to Tyler of Living Room Furniture) if you repost this on your own blog you get an additional entry. Hey, if it makes an impression on you why not share it? You can enter until midnight tonight -not like anyone is at home reading blogs on New Year's Eve, but whatever - and I will announce the winner on Monday. How exciting!
Thank you once again for following along and I hope you've enjoyed doing this as much as I have. I feel rejuvenated, inspired and ready to take on the New Year. Cheers!
Oooh, one last thing. If you're inspired by this to seek out a new passion, check out this great article from Life Coach Cheryl Richardson. Click here