Thursday, June 18, 2009

my inspired life

I like to think that everything in our lives is somehow inter-connected, and if you cultivate awareness you begin to see patterns emerge.

For example, I'm very passionate about design, sustainable living and health. On the surface, these may seem like different interests. But when you look a little deeper, there is an obvious connection; Design is about creativity, innovation and finding the best solution to a problem. Sustainability is about designing like nature, giving back as much as you take away, and using fewer chemicals for a better result. Health is also about limiting chemicals and allowing the body to do what it was designed for. These interests are, in fact, very closely aligned with one another.

That said, I've been going through some transitions in my life and career and I am working on allowing these various aspects to organically connect and work toward the greater good: my happiness. This blog is first and foremost about design, but since it is, after all, a blog (which gives me free reign to do it my way) I want to introduce a series called Inspired Life. In this series I will focus on the things that are important and inspiring to me. The goal is to be very honest with myself and work toward a more fulfilling life, learning quite a bit in the process.

Hopefully this will be inspiring and fulfilling for you too. Feel free to comment along the way. I would love to hear if/how you are incorporating small changes into your life to make great things happen.

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